
Biological Beginnings - Gender

Our gender defines who we are and how we go through life. But how does it happen? How do we become a girl or a boy?...

When one sperm and one ovum unite at conception, the 23 chromosomes from each parent come together and form a new being (the zygote) with 46 chromosomes. The 23rd chromosome pair determines the gender of the individual: Two X chromosomes (one each from the mother and father) produce a female, and a combination of an X chromosome and a Y chromosome (from the mother and father, respectively) produces a male.
If you look at the photograph of human chromosomes below, you can see the XY pair near the bottom right corner, which makes this individual a male.

Posted by: Maraldy Gutierrez


ekapl001 said...

It's interesting to see how the chromosomes actually look. When you look at the 23rd chromosome you know whether a person is a boy or a girl.